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South PTSA awards eleven $500 scholarships to graduating Seniors. Seniors may access application on Naviance. 

  • Academic (3)

  • Viking (3)

  • Service (2)

  • Service-James Vitale Memorial (1)

  • Special Achievement (1)

  • Kenneth Zebrowksi Memorial (1)


*Please note: qualified candidates must be PTSA Student Member for BOTH Junior and Senior years. BECOME A MEMBER by visiting our Givebacks/Memberhub Store.

Student Impact Grants

In 2022, South PTSA established four $250 CHSS PTSA Student Impact Grant available to Clarkstown High School South teachers and staff. As of Fall 2023, South PTSA adjusted the grants to award two $500 CHSS PTSA Student Impact Grants. The purpose of these grants are to fund curricular, extra curricular, or educational support programs or activities that have a positive impact on student learning, health, wellness, college and career readiness, community involvement ( i.e. citizenship) and the overall high school experience.


To APPLY FOR GRANT teacher or staff must be a CHSS PTSA member. Scan QR code or go to the click link above for application. If you are not a PTSA member yet, BECOME A MEMBER by visiting our Givebacks/Memberhub Store.

24-25 SIG Application QR_edited.jpg
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